Comfort and Quality Affirms Life
Why Choose All Care Hospice?
Our hospice team consists of well trained, experienced, and caring professionals who are committed to providing patients and their families with the comfort and support they need during the last stages of life. Our goal is to empower the patient and their family by providing them with knowledge and information to facilitate difficult decision-making so as to positively enhance the quality of life.
What is Hospice?
Hospice is a coordinated, palliative (comfort oriented), and supportive program for patients with life-threatening illnesses. Hospice delivers medical, psychosocial, and spiritual support tailored to the needs of the patient while also offering support to the patient’s family. Care is delivered in a home or long-term care facility by a team of professionals consisting of the patient’s Primary Care Physician, hospice medical director, registered nurse, home health aide, social worker, chaplain, and volunteers.
How is Hospice Care Started?
The attending physician, patient, family member, friends, clergy, social workers, hospital discharge planner or any person concerned with a patient’s well-being can make a referral. If you call us, we will contact the patient’s physician for approval. Services will be started immediately. Hospice is reimbursed by Medicare, Medical, HMO’s, other health insurance plans, and private payers.
Who is Eligible for Hospice Care?
In order to quality for Hospice Care, patients must have a life-threatening illness and seek medical, psychosocial, spiritual, and personal support rather than aggressive treatment. Patients must have a primary Care Physician.
How is a Patient Admitted?
Admitting a patient to the hospice program is a simple process for the attending physician, discharge planner or social worker. Just call the hospice, and a nurse will visit the patient and family at home or in the hospital. Information about the program will be presented and if the patient elects the program, the nurse arranges for start of services.